Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sometimes Your Placenta Gets In The Way, Sometimes The Strands Hang Just Right

So a marching band on Magnum PI is playing the Monty Python theme song, but this is the least of our problems. It is only a beginning. The mug is in Paris right now, likely sitting in a sink and smelling mildly of gin and/or tonic, or collecting fungi at a prodigious rate immaterial to the neatness of its prim and proper owner. So things here didn't go quite as planned, but nothing ever dies on the internet, an elephant graveyard for mouth breathers and high falutin' motherfuckers in kind. the mug was passed, but no one else ever kept the torch of "BLOGGING" about it here. So it goes. I was perplexed to find this site ungoogleable, hence the revival. hence the aborted. hence the rectal relocation (it's on my ankle now, so much more sanitary). If I were to summarize why I have done this or why you should care, it simply boils down to this . . . being bored at work. CHUELZZZ! LOOK FOR MORE BIG UPS IN THE 2K7! HISTORY IN THE MAKING!


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